I forgive myself that ive accwpted and allowed to react with disgust and upsetness that i sad on a wet chair which might have has piss on it.
I forgive myself that i accepted and allowed myself to judge piss and sittimg on piss as disgusting and as bad.I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe my automatic belief or notion and reaction that piss is nasty and bad, i realize that or consider that it can have to do with what i think societys standards and opinons and judgments are about that.
I forgive myself for accepting amd allowing myself to judge myself for reacting with feeling discusted that i sat on a wet chair which is peobably oussed kn and thinkjng that it is somwthing bad and that i must be like oh fuck this is not good this cannot be accepted this is a bad thing because piss is nasty for aomw reason. Magbe cuz everyone else says so.
I forgive myself for using this as a reason for me to be uncomfortable and create generate aome stress.
I forgibe myself for acvepting and allowing myself to judge my self forgiveness as bad. I forgive myself for judging myself, for accepting and allowing myself to judge myself for my self forgiveness. I forgive myself that i feel so sad and scared and hurt and rotten and dead inaide right now. I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to feel so hurt and to be so weak and to hate myself amd my life right now. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear and expect that i amd will have a baf day todays. I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe and fear and expect that i myself am going tonhave a baf day today.
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